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Adaptation & Resilience

Adaptation & Resilience

GlobalABC Adaptation Working Group

Data collected over the recent decades shows that the climate is currently changing at an unprecedented pace due to increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Human-induced climate change is already affecting many weather and climate extremes in every region across the globe. Evidence of observed changes in extremes such as heatwaves, heavy precipitation, droughts, and tropical cyclones, and, in particular, their attribution to human influence, has strengthened since 2007.

Climate change will have especially severe consequences all over the world for a built environment designed for steady conditions and for the communities that inhabit them. Understanding these consequences will require the use of projected climate data from RCP models on different spatial scales and several time horizons.

The GlobalABC Adaptation Working Group (WG), subgroup under the Work Area 2 (Public Policies), aims at coordinating building sector’s stakeholders (public and private) and pooling their expertise and resources to develop innovative solutions dedicated to resilience and adaptation.

Following the launch of the reports "Buildings and Climate Change Adaptation: A Call for Action" and "Adaptation of the Building Sector to Climate Change: 10 Principles for Effective Action" in 2021, this WG has been looking at a number of adaptation projects and how they respond to the 10 principles through the creation of "initiative notices". The group also developed a comparative review of the different methodologies available for assessing the resilience of buildings. Representatives of the subgroup presented these activities at several COP27 events, including a side event entitled "Adaptation and resilience ambitions for buildings". In early 2023, the GlobalABC Adaptation WG and the Alliance HQE launched a common reference framework dedicated to adapting cities and towns to climate change based on the 10 Principles for effective Action.

In the run-up to the Buildings and Climate Global Forum, the WG prepared a white paper detailing how stakeholders along the buildings and construction value chain are each already well equipped to tackle climate change adaptation, and therefore asking "Why are we still not adapting?"

What trends are emerging in terms of risk evaluation globally? Should all risks be approached in the same way? What are the relevant indicators? How to act quickly and decisively to answer the ever-changing challenges of adaptation to climate change? These are the questions that this WG works to find answers to.

The WG's top priorities for 2024 include inducing a change in perception of adaptation efforts to climate change. Adaptation should no longer be understood as a series of one-off actions aimed at moving from an "ill-adapted" to an "adapted" status, but rather as a measurable, continuous and evolving process. In particular, the group is working on evaluating stakeholders’ contribution to climate change adaptation along the value chain of the buildings and construction sector.

Adaptation Working Group Members

ADEME (French Agency for Ecological Transition) ICC (International Code Council) Resallience
Technical secretariat:
OID (Green Building Observatory)

Flagship Publications 

adaptation paper

Buildings and Climate Change Adaptation - A Call for Action​​​​


10 principles for effective action

Adaptation of the Building Sector to Climate Change: 10 Principles for Effective Action


Why are we still not adapting? Instigating adaptation in the built environment

Initiative Notices Library

This library contains case studies on innovative initiatives that fully embody the core values of the “10 principles for effective climate change adaptation action”. The selected projects in 2023 range from hail-resistant roofs in Calgary, Canada to efforts to help a community rebound after devastating floods in Nabeul, Tunisia.

GlobalABC - Initiative Notice - ICC - Adaptation to hurricane and extreme winds

Resilience to Hurricane and Extreme Wind Events: New York City

GlobalABC - Initiative Notice - Commune of Nabeul - Flood resilience

Protection of the City Against Floods: City of Nabeul

GlobalABC - Initiative Notice - ICLR - Resilience to Wildfire

Resilience to Wildfires: Lytton


GlobalABC - Initiative Notice - ICC - Building resilience to tornadoes

Building Resilience to Tornadoes: City of Moore

GlobalABC - Initiative Notice - IFC - BRI

Building Resilience Index: The Philippines


Recent dynamics emerging from the European Union towards a comprehensive review of resilience assessment were the starting point of the Adaptation Working Group’s will to provide actors along the value chain of the buildings and construction sector with a wide-ranging and detailed overview of resilience assessment methodologies developed all around the world. Highlighting the strengths and limitations of each methodology will offer greater transparency and favour the emergence of more robust and concerted assessment methodologies for the buildings sector actors and will accelerate the transition of our cities and territories.

The Working Group has the ambition to develop an analysis of resilience assessment methodologies of the built environment that will give actors the tools they need to facilitate adaptation in the face of climate change. The creation of an actionable database of methodologies serves two main objectives:

  • On the one hand, offering a clear and comparable analysis of well-known existing references around the world so that actors along the value chain, whatever their own expertise may be, can find the methodology best suited for their needs;
  • On the other hand, increasing knowledge and transparency to foster emulation, pinpoint expertise gaps, and help the emergence of new and more comprehensive assessment methodologies for all hazards, locations, and stakeholders.
Rouleau T, Stuart J, Call M, Yozell S, Yoshioka N, Maekawa M and Fiertz N (2022) The climate and ocean risk vulnerability index: Measuring coastal city resilience to inform action. Front. Sustain. Cities 4:884212. doi: 10.3389/frsc.2022.884212
The climate and ocean risk vulnerability index (CORVI): Measuring coastal city resilience to inform action

The tool uses the SEJ methodology to display risk scores across 10 risk categories Structured expert judgement (SEJ) is a technique used to quantify risk in data sparse environments. Through structured interviews and surveys, as well as a series of weighting procedures to ensure data is representative, the SEJ methodology allows researchers to quantify topics that might otherwise be impossible to study in a systematic fashion.

RHEAT(™) has been developed by Build Change to help countries, states, territories, and cities to identify key gaps and challenges as they work toward achieving resilient housing at scale.
Resilient Housing Ecosystem Assessment Tool (RHEAT)

The tool supports users to obtain a snapshot of the current housing environment, by assessing conditions at a given point in time. It can be a useful monitoring tool to guide understanding on priorities and resource allocation, and in doing so can help to maximize the chance of a program’s success.

The Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis (CVCA) is a CARE tool used to gather and analyze information on community-level vulnerabilities to and capacities for climate change.
The Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis ( CVCA)

The Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis (CVCA) is a tool used to gather and analyze information on community-level vulnerabilities to and capacities for climate change. It informs the identification of actions, at the community level or more broadly, that support communities in increasing their resilience to climate change. With A 7-step process using different methodologies of information collection: secondary research, key informant interviews and participatory tools that capture local perspectives and traditional knowledge. » Detailing a set of guiding questions to analyze the data collected. » Paying particular attention to three major cross-cutting issues - Gender Equality, Ecosystems and Inclusive Governance - that help define specific options for increasing climate resilience

Urban Resilience Assessment Using Hybrid MCDM Model Based on DEMATEL-ANP Method (DANP) - IAU-Science and Research Branch
Urban Resilience Assessment: Using Hybrid MCDM Model Based on DEMATEL-ANP Method (DANP)

In the present study, the DEMATEL combination with ANP approaches was used to determine the interdependent relationships among the criteria and their importance. Azizi et al. (2014) stated that ANP cannot assign the strengths and internal relationships between the criteria and does not pay attention to this issue, which could cause the model results to deviate from the real situation. To overcome this shortcoming, DEMATEL was applied along with ANP. Wang et al. (2018) stated that the DEMATEL based ANP method can correct the deficiency of the ANP method and reflect the interdependent feedback relationships between the factors, which could ensure that the results are scientific and reasonable.

Using the MSCI Real Estate Climate Value-at-Risk (Climate VaR) model we demonstrate how the nature and magnitude of physical risks may differ across assets and portfolios; and highlight the importance of considering transition risk.
MSCI Real Estate Climate Value-at-Risk (Climate VaR) Methodology

To quantify physical risks and opportunities, MSCI applies a process used in most hazard models in the insurance industry, which can be represented as follows: Expected cost = vulnerability * hazard * exposure.

The physical risk impact on an asset is quantified by assessing the exposure of a property to a hazard and computing the costs associated with that risk using vulnerability functions specific to the real estate market.

The methodology you are searching for is not listed here? Do you know about a resilience assessment methodology of interest? Suggest an addition to our database by filling out the short form and we will publish it here once approved internally.


If you are keen to participate in the work of the Adaptation WG, please reach out to [email protected]