This is an official side-event of the 12th World Urban Forum.
This open in-person work meeting organized by the Subnational Action Group of the GlobalABC will discuss the groundwork and the main outcomes of a new GlobalABC Report Local Solutions for Building Green and Resilient Cities currently under preparation. The report will lay the foundation of the core messages and the work programme of the Action Group and the Partnership between the GlobalABC and SCALE.
The workshop will offer a platform for dialogue among subnational stakeholders, local, regional and national government representatives, international cooperation organizations, NGOS, academia and the private sector. It will emphasize the need of empowering local solutions for climate change adaptation, resilience, mitigation, and a just transition in the built environment through multilevel governance, and discuss concrete action potentials to enhance multilevel synergies for effective localized implementation. Impactful findings and best practice examples will be collected from the participants and put to discussion. The participants are then invited to discuss key messages and recommendations to enhance multi-level governance, access to finance and private sector engagement. Lastly, the workshop will develop concrete suggestions and new opportunities of support activities and next steps for the Subnationals Action Group, notably in the context of the upcoming partnership between SCALE and the GlobalABC.