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What is REquired from Buildings
| 16:00-17:00 UK time

You are invited to attend the Enniscorthy Forum BAC Learning Webinar 'What is Required of Buildings' which will take place for 1 hour on Zoom on 11 October 2023, 16:00-17:00 UK time.

The member nations of the UN have committed to the Paris Agreement and supported the adoption of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The world has been informed by the IPCC, IEA, UN and other agencies of the outcomes buildings are to deliver as part of achieving those goals. Critically, almost all nations have agreed to transform their buildings to ensure they do.
New strategies such as the SER Framework (Sufficiency, Efficiency and Renewables) have been identified by the IPCC as necessary for buildings to achieve their full mitigation potential while also achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. This webinar describes the outcomes buildings must deliver as identified by international agencies and agreed to by virtually every nation. These outcomes are more interrelated, wider in scope and greater in ambition than is often realized.  While the world is not on track to meet its timelines, industry leaders are delivering such buildings today. In this webinar find out what that involves and how you, your business or your policymakers can advance progress.
Rob Bernhardt - bio

As CEO of the Building Performance Assurance Council Rob works to advance the sustainability, resilience, comfort, health and economic benefits of buildings to ensure they meet targets aligned with the Paris Accords and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. 
After developing early Passive House projects in Canada, Rob became the founding CEO of Passive House Canada and assisted in the development of the BC Energy Step Code, Canada’s building strategy, provincial and municipal policies and programs, the Vancouver Zero Emissions Buildings Exchange, the UN Framework Guidelines for Energy Efficiency Standards in Buildings and oversaw the development of leading industry capacity building programs.
In addition to his role with the Building Performance Assurance Council, he has continued to engage in policy development, building policy research, as a member of the Part 9 subcommittee of the BC Energy Step Code, and as a contributor to the annual Global Status Report for Buildings and Construction published by the Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction.
Papers, articles and reports:

  • Advances Toward a Net-Zero Global Building Sector
  • Policy Series
  • A Zero Emissions Buildings Exchange for the GTHA Concept Development Report
  • Addressing the Cost of Efficiency
  • On the Use of the Reference Building Approach in Modern Building Energy Codes
  • Retrofitting for Paris Compliance
  • What is Required of Buildings

Attend the webinar via this link.