The group is active since 1996 under the direction of L. Pagliano, and is dedicated to research, technology transfer, policy advice and training about the efficient use of energy in buildings. In particular, in the areas of: low and nearly zero energy buildings (both in new constructions and renovations), passive cooling techniques, thermal and visual comfort, efficient lighting and daylighting; cost-optimal analysis of buildings, technical and economic analysis of energy-using products. It has participated in, promoted and directed more than 60 projects and studies funded by public (e.g. Regional Governments, National Ministries, ENEA, European Union) and private bodies (e.g. Electric Companies, building components manufacturing, control manufacturing) on various aspects of buildings analysis and simulation, buildings monitoring, comfort surveys and energy economics and planning, with a special focus on end use efficient technologies and programmes. Prof S. Erba and L. Pagliano and are presently scientific coordinators of the H2020 Project ABC 21 : Africa-Europe BioClimatic buildings for XXI century (
end-use Efficiency Research Group of Politecnico di Milano has performed analysis and supported the drafting of legislation for climate actions in the buildings and construction sector as e.g.:
2012-2013, One of the main researchers drafting the Report to EU Commission (DG-Energy) “Towards nearly zero-energy buildings. Definition of common principles under the EPBD” (tender by DG-Energy), being later used and mentioned in EU official documents about EPBD implementation and recast
2011-2012, Consultancy to Joint Research Centre (Ispra) on the development of the Cost-Optimal Framework Methodology (professional contract) for DG-Energy (European Commission)
2006-2007, promoted and coordinated at EU level a field testing of the EN15251 procedure for assigning comfort categories to buildings, within the Commoncense and KeepCool projects. Results were fed into the process of revision of standard EN15251 (on thermal and lighting comfort). Many of the amendments proposed were actually accepted by the drafting committee and incorporated in the final EN15251 Standard.
2002-2003, Collaborated with staff of DG TREN on the drafting of the “Directive on promotion of energy efficiency and energy services”. Developed analysis on the effect of different tariff structures on the possibility for Utilities to incorporate Demand Side management and energy savings into their business model.
1999-2001, advisor to the Italian Ministry for the Environment on the drafting of the Laws setting details for the implementation of DSM targets for electric and gas distribution utilities, including the set up of “Tradable Energy Efficiency Certificates”, so called “White Certificates” and proposals for decoupling profit from sales of Distribution Companies charged with the obligation to save energy. The mechanism is still in place in 2022, being the largest contributor to energy saving obligations of Italy, and is part of the Energy and Climate Plans.