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Net Zero Carbon Buildings in Cities: Interdependencies between Policy and Finance
Author: Valerio Micale, John Michael LaSalle, Paul Rosane, Matthew Solomon, Chavi Meattle, Jessie Press-Williams, and Priscilla Negreiros
Region of Activities: Global
Type: Report
Origin: Cities Climate Finance Leadership Alliance

This report applies network analysis to examine the interdependencies between 75 policy and finance instruments, as well as 22 barriers, to support the transition to net zero carbon buildings. Such a network analysis approach allows us to move beyond case studies to explore potential high-impact pathways for cities to support a low-carbon transition for the building sector effectively.

Developing a systemic representation of the building sector allows us to answer the following questions:

  • Which barriers should we prioritize to ensure systemic transformation of the building sector?
  • Which instruments should we roll out, and in what sequence?
  • What pathways can cities follow to transition to a fully decarbonized building sector?

This report offers initial findings on the general challenges and mechanisms behind the transition towards a net zero carbon buildings sector, helping shed light on concrete pathways cities can implement to decarbonize the building sector.

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