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Submit a resource

Which kind of resource is this? Tick all that apply *
Which policy challenge(s) does this resource address? Tick all that apply *
To which climate zone does this resource apply? Tick all that apply *
If the resource applies globally, tick all zones.
To which life cycle stage(s) does this resource apply? Tick all that apply *
To which building use does this resource apply? Tick all that apply *
To which materials does this resource apply? Tick all that apply *
Which solution(s) best apply to this resource? Tick all that apply *
For example: Avoid (eg use less, improve circularity, reduce pollution)​ Shift (eg innovative low-carbon solutions, using bio-based or hybrid materials) ​  Improve (eg low-carbon cement alternatives / steel)  Adapt (eg insulation that can reduce operational energy needs)​
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200 MB limit.
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