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Strategy documents

2024-11-15 | IFPEB, GlobalABC, ADEME, A4MT
GlobalABC Sufficiency Hub

The Sufficiency Action Hub aims to demonstrate the necessity, feasibility, and social desirability of sufficiency measures in the building sector, fostering a shared understanding across decision-making levels. Its goal is to build a diverse community of stakeholders worldwide, from various sectors of the building value chain, to adapt sufficiency solutions to different contexts, recognizing disparities between the Global North and South. Launched by the French Institute for Building Performance and supported by key institutions like ADEME, the initiative seeks to address the environmental challenges posed by the building sector, which is responsible for 21% of global greenhouse gas emissions. The Action Hub highlights the urgent need for sufficiency measures, advocating for a systemic approach that integrates demand-side policies to reduce resource consumption, mitigate emissions, and ensure social equity. Through international collaboration and the adoption of the "Sufficiency First" principle, the initiative aims to reshape the future of the building sector within planetary boundaries. The Action Hub has recently published a report outlining the key findings of its ongoing work and initiatives.  

2024-04-16 | GlobalABC Secretariat
GlobalABC Secretariat

The Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction (GlobalABC) is increasingly being recognised as the key platform for bringing together all stakeholders including national governments, industry leaders, policymakers, NGOs, academia, and advocates with a shared vision: A zero-emission, efficient, and resilient buildings and construction sector.

In 2023, the GlobalABC made considerable progress in reviewing its strategies and adding new essential strategic elements. Five key documents were produced to support the GlobalABC in delivering on its mandate and serving its members: Revised GlobalABC Strategic Framework; Communications Strategy; Member Engagement Strategy; Renewal and Reporting Framework; and Resource mobilisation strategy.

The 2023 narrative report reflects the continuing growth and evolution of the alliance and the key achievements that have defined the GlobalABC in the past year. 

GlobalABC Secretariat
2023-02-17 | GlobalABC

After two years of disruption due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the year 2022 saw a gradual return to normalcy, combined with an increase in GlobalABC's activities, visibility, and outreach. The GlobalABC community has achieved several milestones in 2022, laying the foundational work for the coming years. The urgency of climate action in the buildings and construction sector has received heightened attention in major fora, national and sub-national actors and private sector are stepping up their action, and the GlobalABC is recognised as the international platform that gathers the multitude of buildings and construction stakeholders. 

In 2022, we continued to be a global advocate for the importance of the sector for global climate action (active participation in high-level events such as the COP27 with a Buildings Pavilion and through the BuildingToCOP Coalition, growth in membership, Annual Assembly and Steering Committee meeting); to provide a neutral and trusted platform to set targets for decarbonisation (2022 Buildings-GSR, UNFCCC MPGCA Human Settlements Pathway, flagship study and campaign on embodied carbon, Sustainable Building Materials Hub); and to provide the key measures for countries to adopt, helping them set priorities in their own strategies, based on their situation (Buildings Breakthrough target, roadmaps launched and Roadmaps Coordination Hub, NDC frontrunner criteria and tool), among so many other achievements.

Read our narrative report to learn more!

GlobalABC Secretariat

The GlobalABC was founded as an umbrella or meta-platform – a network of networks – that brings together initiatives and actors along the entire buildings and construction sector value chain at COP21 in 2015 by a group of governments, businesses, intergovernmental, and non-profit organizations, at the initiative of the French government and UNEP. In the nearly six years since its launch, GlobalABC has created and continues to maintain a neutral, member-driven platform, growing from an initial 79 members to over 200 members, among which 34 countries. Its mission and vision are to connect governments, the private sector, and organisations to drive the transformation towards a zero-emission, efficient, and resilient buildings and construction sector to achieve a future-proof world for all buildings – both existing and new. GlobalABC members exchange knowledge, discuss challenges, and collaborate on tools and solutions for rapid decarbonisation of the built environment. In doing so, GlobalABC advocates for, helps develop and implement pathways, policies, strategies and initiatives for reducing climate impacts across the buildings and construction sector. It hereby focuses on both climate mitigation and adaption in support of a net-zero carbon, energy efficient and resilient sector.

Download the 5-year review to look back at the achievements of the GlobalABC and its community since its creation at COP21, and discover how the GlobalABC has succeeded in mobilizing all actors in the sector to raise the profile of buildings for climate action internationally, regionally and locally, to keep track of the progress in decarbonizing the sector and to support countries in transforming their policies through buildings and construction roadmaps. 

2022-03-22 | GlobalABC
GlobalABC Secretariat

As the global pandemic continues to affect the ways we live and work in 2021, the GlobalABC maintained most of its activities in online format, with the exception of COP26, where events were held both in-person and online. This has been a year of great growth of GlobalABC in terms of range of activities, membership and visibility, made possible by engagement of our members and partners in advancing the central role of buildings in climate action. This is reflected in the MPGCA Human Settlements Pathway, where the GlobalABC has led the Built Environment track, and that provides a north star for the sector:

  • By 2030, the built environment should halve its emissions, whereby 100 per cent of new buildings must be net-zero carbon in operation, with widespread energy efficiency retrofit of existing assets well underway, and embodied carbon must be reduced by at least 40 per cent, with leading projects achieving at least 50 per cent reductions in embodied carbon.
  • By 2050, at the latest, all new and existing assets must be net zero across the whole life cycle, including operational and embodied emissions.

Download the report to read more.