COP27 #BuildingsPavilion
Place: #BuildingsPavilion Auditorium (lot. n°113)
Date: 12 November 2022
Time: 12:30-13:30 Eastern European Time
Lead organisation(s): WBCSD
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Net Zero and Net Zero Buildings are very simple terms that have become part of our common narrative and define our climate goals. But do we mean all the same? There are sometimes small or big differences in interpretation (carbon vs energy, operational vs whole life, offset vs removals, etc).
With this fishbowl-style session, we would like to provide clarity on alignments and discuss some of the differences. The objective is to provide clarity on what is best needed for the climate and strengthen the collaboration toward net zero.
- Luca De Giovanetti, Senior Manager Built Environment, WBCSD
- Emmanuel Normant, Vice President for sustainable development, Saint Gobain
- Victoria Burrows, Director Advancing Net Zero, WorldGBC
- Sunita Purushottam, Head of Sustainability at Mahindra Lifespace Developers Ltd.
- Nigel Tonks, Sustainable Development Board Director at Arup & Climate Champions Team Senior Adviser
- Name TBC, BSI/ISO standard