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Global Status Report

The Global Status Report for Buildings and Construction (Buildings-GSR) is a flagship publication of the UNEP-hosted Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction (GlobalABC). The Buildings-GSR provides an annual snapshot of the progress of the buildings and construction sector on a global scale and reviews the status of policies, finance, technologies, and solutions to monitor whether the sector is aligned with the Paris Agreement goals. It also provides stakeholders with evidence to persuade policymakers and the overall buildings and construction community to take action.

This year's edition introduces exciting new features, spotlighting the Buildings Breakthrough Initiative and the Decleration De Chaillot, reinforcing global efforts to accelerate progress in sustainable building practices. 

Key Updates:

  • The Buildings and construction sector saw a modest emissions reduction in 2023, despite a 3% rise in floor area, but a decline in energy efficient investment. 

  • The global Building Carbon Tracker highlights limited sectoral progress, despite positive improvements in renewables, codes and certifications. 

  • Since 2023, over 14 countries/sub-national governments have updated building codes, but few align with net zero goals.

  • National commitments and policies remain insufficient, but initiatives like the Buildings Breakthough, Decleration De Chaillot, and Global CoolingPledge, offer crucial pathways for progress.

The Energy Intensity of the buildings sector is 11% above the required target to get back on track.  

  • Since 2915, energy intensity has decreased by only 9.5% 

  • By 2023, the energy intensity is 11% higher than the target value to progress towards the goal. 

  • The gap between between the achieved and target energy intensity has increased by an average of 43% annually since 2016.

In 2023, global buildings operation and construction energy demand decreased by around 1% from 2022 to 143 EJ

  • Energy used in buildings operation (e.g. space heating and cooling, water heating, lighting, cooking and other uses) account for 32% of global demand in 2023, representing only a 1% reduction from last year. 

  • Although many NDCs mention buildings, only a limited number offer comprehensive details regarding energy efficiency, building codes, or adaptation measures

As of 2023, the aggregate proportion of NDCs addressing building energy efficiency, codes, and adaptation measures in detail is only 6.3%By 2023, only 19 countries have NDCs considering buildings in detailThe sector’s progress shortfall to the Paris Agreement Goals has increased by an staggering average of 34% annually since 2016. In 2023, 38 parties updated their NDCs, with around 80% of NDCs citing actions for the buildings and construction sector, and 19 NDCs having extensive details. Since the 2023 GSR, three parties adjust or update their NDCs, Panama, Madagascar and Namibia

Check out the previous editions: