COP27 Climate Action Event
Place: Action Room 1 | Ibis, COP27 Climate Action Zone
Lead organizations: High-Level Climate Champions, ICLEI, GlobalABC
Date: 17 November 2022
Time: 10:00-12:00 EET
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The event will focus on solutions for people. Cities are warming 2x faster than the global average, and the buildings and construction sector contributes ~40% of global greenhouse gas emissions; at a local level it is peoples homes, peoples schools, peoples hospitals and cultural centres that need decarbonizing – the transition must put people at the centre to help address the combined heat and energy crises, especially in the global south. Transitioning to a circular economy in our densest urban areas is critical to transform human settlements and the built environment within them to a resilient, zero-carbon future. Putting the buildings and construction sector on a circular economy trajectory is essential for zero waste and for achieving national climate targets - over a third of construction waste currently goes to landfill. This event will demonstrate recent signals of change from around the globe– highlighting the transition toward net-zero, resilient, equitable, affordable, safe human settlements– and the associated co-benefits, from job creation to reduced air pollution.
Introduction & Welcome remarks - Accelerating Climate Action in Human Settlements: What is at stake?
- Kobie Brand, Deputy Secretary General, ICLEI (moderator) (TBC)
- Nigel Topping, High-Level Climate Champion
- Brigid Shea, Commissioner, Travis County, TX, USA, and ICLEI USA Board Chair
- Atiqul Islam, Mayor of Dhaka North
Opening panel - Buildings as materials banks: Enabling a circular way of building
- Sarah El Battouty, Founder ECOnsult Architecture
- Magali Anderson, CSO Holcim
- Marcio Viegas, Founder & Managing director, SUST4IN
Fireside chat #1 - Multi-level action for the circular transition to achieve net-zero goals
- Jennifer Layke, WRI (moderator)
- Pedro Campos, Civil Engineer, Former Chief Innovation Office at COMPESA (Water and Sanitation Company) and Congressman for the State of Pernambuco, Brazi
- Risto Veivo, City of Turku, Finland
- Hiroshi Ono, Vice-Minister for Global Environmental Affairs, Ministry of the Environment, Japan
Fireside chat #2 - At-pace, at-scale: the tools for transformation in our growing built environment
- Majida El Ouardirhi, Secretary General, Ministry of National Territory and Urban Planning, Housing and City Policy, Kingdom of Morocco
- Jerome Frost, UK, India, Middle East and Africa Chair, Arup
- Aline Cardoso, Head of Economic Development and Labour, City of São Paulo, Brazil
- Cristina Gamboa, CEO World Green Building Council