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Webinar: Boosting the Deployment of Smart Energy Services in Buildings: Challenges, Opportunities and Barriers

Digitalisation is making progress in the building sector, but in an uncoordinated way: recently installed energy devices and appliances come admittedly with their own app for monitoring and control, but the parallel silo solutions degrade the user experience and make the coordination of multiple appliances pointlessly complex. In this context, the domOS project elaborated an “operating system” for buildings, effectively decoupling the service layer from the infrastructure layer in buildings.

In this online workshop that will take place on February 8th, smart building experts from the industry and domOS project partners share their vision of smart buildings. In the first session, approaches and experiences to boost interoperability in heterogeneous buildings are presented. The second and third sessions present a cluster of smart services to better integrate buildings grids in energy grids and to increase the efficiency of heating.

At the end of each session, participants will have the opportunity to ask questions or make comments to the presenters.

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Clean Energy