MSCI Real Estate Climate Value-at-Risk (Climate VaR) Methodology
Creator: MSCI & Climate-KIC
Type of methodology: Rating or Index system
Approach type: CVRA (Climate Vulnerability and Risk Assessment)
Short description: The physical risk impact on an asset is quantified by assessing the exposure of a property to a hazard and computing the costs associated with that risk usingvulnerability functions specific to the real estate market.
URL to access information about the tool:…
Hazards covered: Coastal floodings
Audiences: Architects and engineers
Assessment level: Building
Evaluation system:
Expected cost = vulnerability * hazard * exposure
Clear, detailed methodology for use in practice
- Not specific to buildings
- Vulnerability definition does not factor in building inhabitants or the use of different buildings
To quantify physical risks and opportunities, MSCI applies a process used in most hazard models in the insurance industry, which can be represented as follows: Expected cost = vulnerability * hazard * exposure.
The physical risk impact on an asset is quantified by assessing the exposure of a property to a hazard and computing the costs associated with that risk using vulnerability functions specific to the real estate market.