The Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis ( CVCA)
- Paying particular attention to three major cross-cutting issues: Gender Equality, Ecosystems and Inclusive Governance help define specific options for increasing climate resilience
- Takes community resilience/human factor into account
Not specific to buildings
The Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis (CVCA) is a tool used to gather and analyze information on community-level vulnerabilities to and capacities for climate change. It informs the identification of actions, at the community level or more broadly, that support communities in increasing their resilience to climate change. With A 7-step process using different methodologies of information collection: secondary research, key informant interviews and participatory tools that capture local perspectives and traditional knowledge. » Detailing a set of guiding questions to analyze the data collected. » Paying particular attention to three major cross-cutting issues - Gender Equality, Ecosystems and Inclusive Governance - that help define specific options for increasing climate resilience