The cement and concrete sector is fully committed to achieving significant sustainability progress. The GCCA gathers key data recording the industry’s sustainability commitments. The GNR (“Getting the Numbers Right” or “GCCA in NumbeRs”) is a key tool in how key sustainability progress is monitored and reported.
The GNR database is now managed by the GCCA(Global Cement and Concrete Association), having transferred at the end of 2019 from the Cement Sustainability Initiative (an initiative run through the World Business Council for Sustainable Development). Data are collected according to the CO₂ and Energy Accounting and Reporting Standard for the Cement Industry.
To access the CO₂ and Energy Accounting and Reporting Standard for the Cement Industry Excel Spreadsheet and Internet Manual, in English or Chinese use following links: Excel Spreadsheet and Internet Manual, in English or Chinese use the following links:
- English version
- Chinese version (简体中文版网络手册).
The GNR database is open and transparent to interested parties. This year GNR is migrated to a new, user-friendly platform. To support interested parties to use and interpret the comprehensive data, GCCA now provides detailed data and regional data on demand via the GNR Project Management Committee. This will also enable the provision of more tailored solutions to enquiries.
Data is available for: 1990, 2000, and 2005 to 2021. The regions and countries for which data are available are listed here in accordance with anti-trust law and confidentiality requirements. The list of parameters and indicators available is available here.