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Member events

| 12:00-19:00 EDT


Do you want to learn how to create carbon-neutral urban environments? Join the Carbon Sequestration Symposium, a virtual event hosted by New York Passive House, Healthy Materials Lab, and The School of Constructed Environments at Parsons School of Design.

Cities such as New York are at serious risk from climate change, and have the power and responsibility to take the lead on solutions. This Symposium will explore potential scalable regenerative technologies for the world's largest urban constructed environments. The material science of carbon storing building components is receiving much needed attention, but scalable solutions need wider adoption and development. The building industry is focused on reaching carbon neutrality in operations and construction, taking a holistic view of the enormity of this responsibility. Passive House energy efficiency coupled with scalable carbon storing materials for widespread use and large urban contexts, can provide the solution humanity needs and deserves now.

The symposium will feature experts from the fields of material science, policy, finance, and design, who will share their insights and experiences on how to scale up regenerative technologies for the world’s largest urban constructed environments.

Register Here.

Embodied carbon
Existing buildings
New buildings