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GlobalABC events & regional roundtables

CEM14 side event - International Cooperation for a resilient and decarbonized building sector: near zero emission, emission-free/energy positive
| 09:00-10:30 India Standard Time

Ballroom 2, hotel Grand Hyatt, Goa, India

Date 22 July 2023
Time 09:00-10:30 [90mins] India Standard Time
Venue Ballroom 2


This CEM14 Side Event will explore international collaboration in the building sector, identify gaps and areas for urgent action and discuss next steps to accelerate progress towards near zero emission and resilient buildings. Buildings require first passive and climate-proof design complemented by sustainable energy and low-cost efficient equipment to make them energy positive buildings. Discussions will include: 

  • Overview of existing landscape for action on buildings decarbonisation
  • Presentation of the “Call for a Buildings Breakthrough at COP27” and follow up
  • Architecture and Energy Systems for Energy Positive Emission-Free Buildings and Campuses 
  • Roadmap towards Energy Positive and Emission-Free Buildings and Campuses
  • Discussion of the preliminary recommendations in the sector for the upcoming 2023 Breakthrough Agenda Report, followed by exchange on potential related international actions
  • Discussion of an opportunity for an “International Summit on Buildings and Climate” in 2024. Discussion on goals and potential outputs



(5 mins)

Welcome and Introductions

  • Mr. Yves-Laurent Sapoval, Senior Advisor, Directorate-General of Housing, Urban Planning and Landscapes, Ministry for Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion, France
  • Ms. Reena Suri, Executive Director, ISGF


(5 mins)

Setting the Scene

  • Mr. Rahul Agnihotri, Advisor, Clean Cooling solutions and Building energy efficiency, UNEP


(35 mins)

Panel discussion #1: The need for near-zero emission and resilient buildings as the new normal by 2030

  • Presenting the breakthrough’s statement and shared vision and aims:
  • Provide a shared platform for all stakeholders of the value chain (local government, the private sector, developers, financial institutions, researchers, academia and communities);
  • Collaborate with national governments, strategically focusing on priority countries, and partner with lead initiatives in the field;
  • Foster the creation of national alliances and support localised frameworks.
  • Global energy efficiency targets and their meaning for buildings
  • Moderator: Mr. Yves-Laurent Sapoval, Senior Advisor, Directorate-General of Housing, Urban Planning and Landscapes, Ministry for Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion, France
  • Ms. Lee McDonough, Director General, Net Zero, Nuclear and International, Department for Energy Security and Net Zero, UK
  • Ms. Paola Pinho, Director, Energy Efficiency, European Commission
  • Mr. Sharif Qamar, Associate Director, Transport & Urban Governance Division, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)
  • Mr. Ravichandran Purushothaman, President, Danfoss India


(5 mins)

Transition: making the link between the 2 panels

  • Mr. Yves-Laurent Sapoval, Senior Advisor, Directorate-General of Housing, Urban Planning and Landscapes, Ministry for Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion, France

09:50 - 10:25

(35 mins)

Panel Discussion #2: Roadmap for Energy Positive Buildings and Campuses

  • State of Play of Energy Positive Buildings – Global and Indian Scenarios
  • Technologies Supporting Energy Positive Buildings – Solar PV, BESS, EVs with V2B/V2G, DCS, Smart Appliances etc
  • Building Codes Mandating Energy Consumption Limits
  • Sustainable Business Models for Retrofitting Existing Buildings as Energy Positive Buildings
  • Mandatory Carbon Offset Targets for Different Categories of Buildings
  • Moderator: Mr. Reji Kumar Pillai, President, ISGF and Chairman, GSEF 
  • Dr. Mili Majumdar, Managing Director, GBCI
  • Mr. Tanmay Tathagat, Director, EDS Global, (Executing Net-Zero / Grid Interactive Buildings & Campuses)
  • Mr. Richard Sedano, President & CEO, RAP
  • Dr. Vikram Murthy, National Chair-Environment Protection and Safety, ISHRAE
  • Mr. Ram Narayanamurthy, Deputy Director, Building Technologies Office, US Department of Energy


(5 mins)

Closing Remarks and Next Steps


Building operations
Clean Energy
Existing buildings
New buildings