The energy performance of the building stock remains extremely low at Mediterranean level. To address this, the European Neighborhood Instrument for Cross Border Cooperation in the Mediterranean Programme (ENI CBC MED) identified renewable energy and energy efficiency as major priorities and funded 8 projects. The session will portray examples of how to perform cost-effective energy renovations of public buildings. Several projects will be presented where the energy performance in buildings on both shores of the Mediterranean has been upgraded. The session will take place on 28 September 2022, 09:30-11:00 CEST in an hybrid format.
These examples will be put in the context of global policies, as per the Status Report of the Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction (GlobalABC). These proposals can be implemented at several administrative levels to ensure that buildings go towards zero emissions. The session will include 2 LIVE CONNECTIONS where we’ll witness the results of the renovations. Come and join us in these interactive virtual visits in Tunisia and Jordan.
- Alejandro Lafarga, Programme Officer at ENI CBC MED
- Andrea Voigt, Head of Global Public Affairs, Danfoss
- Nora Steurer, Programme Management Officer, UNEP
- Marina Kouta, Project Manager & researcher, University of Patras
- Gianni Celli, Associate Professor, University of Cagliari
- Zakariya Dalala, Associate professor, German Jordanian University
- Rosa Schina, National Association of Italian Municipalities Tuscany (ANCI TOSCANA)
- Lucia Ramírez, Project Manager, Valencia Institute of Building
- Antonella Trombadore, Prof University of Florence
- Fida Salameh, An-Najah National University of Palestine
- Afef Ben Abdelghani Bennani, Associate Professor, National Engineering School of Tunis