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Seventeenth Annual Session of Global Forum on Human Settlements

Date: 15-16 December

GFHS 2022 will be held in a virtual format.

Senior officials from relevant national governments, the United Nations and other international organizations, green city mayors, business leaders, and well-known experts and scholars will be giving speeches and joining thematic discussions. Under the new global context, GFHS 2022 will discuss how to harness the historical opportunities brought by carbon neutrality and digital economy, how to accelerate all-round green transformation and innovation and cope with multiple crises and challenges, and how to make dramatic breakthroughs in terms of enhancing urban resilience, inclusiveness, sustainability and productiveness, so as to make cities resilient, carbon-neutral and nature-positive and deliver the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Paris Agreement, and the New Urban Agenda. GFHS 2022 is expected to produce the Declaration on Together for a Shared Safer and Greener Urban Future.

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