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Towards a resilient, low-carbon building sector: Shared experiences and perspectives of key solutions and initiatives for decarbonizing the sector (Kingdom of Morocco)

Moroccan Pavilion, COP

COP27 Side Event

Place: Moroccan Pavilion, COP27

Date: 16 November 2022

Time: 10:30-12:30 Eastern European Time

Lead organisation(s): Ministry of National Territory Planning, Urban Planning, Housing and City Policy, Kingdom of Morocco

International Partners : UN Habitat / Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction (GlobalABC).


To be able to reach the Paris Agreement target, the building sector will need to undertake a major transformation to massively reduce greenhouse gas emissions along the building life cycle by 2030 and 2050. Recognizing that climate action in the sector represents an opportunity to produce a new generation of buildings with a low carbon footprint while achieving energy savings, and improving the living conditions of citizens, Morocco has made considerable progress in terms of climate commitment in the building sector. This event will bring together experts and institutions to present ambitious examples of climate-friendly actions and policies in the building and construction sector: frameworks for partnership and convergence of actors' actions, thermal regulations for buildings, energy performance labels, pilot projects, etc.

The event will discuss how climate action in the built environment -in Morocco and in other countries- could bring concrete solutions to the challenges of fighting climate change, and strengthening resilience to climate change, through the crossed views of participants. The Side Event will also present the Building Breakthrough initiative developed as part of the Breakthrough Agenda, which aims to accelerate the development and deployment of the clean technologies and sustainable solutions needed to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement.

Speakers and Panelists

  • 10.30 - 10:40: Opening Remarks

HE Fatima Ezzahra EL MANSOURI, Minister of National Planning, Urban Planning, Housing and City Policy

  • 10:40 - 10:55 UN-Habitat Pilot Projects and Initiative

Strengthening Mitigation and Adaptation of the Habitat Sector to Climate Change

Dr. Erfan ALI, Director of the UN-Habitat Arab Regional Office

  • 10.55 - 11:10: Building Breakthrough

What is the building sector’s commitment to the Paris Agreement? What are the priority areas for action? What are the objectives in the ‘Building Breakthrough’? What actions for the adaptation of the building sector to climate change?

Mr. Jonathan DUWYN, Programme Officer, Buildings and Construction & o.i.c Cities Unit, United Nations Environment Program

  • 11.10-11.25: Progress in climate engagement and energy transition in the building sector

Mrs Majida EL OUARDIRHI, Secretary General of the Department of Habitat and City Policy, Ministry of National Spatial Planning, Urban Planning, Housing and City Policy

  • 11.25-11.40: Presentation of a regional project for the promotion of EE and EnR in the buildings sector

Dr. Jauad EL KHARRAZ, Executive Director, Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE) (TBC)

  • 11h40-11h55: Projects related to building sector resilience

​​​​​​​Resallience (TBC)

  • 11h55-12h10: Resilience of traditional architectural typologies to climate change: Ksours and Kasbah Program - Morocco,

Mr. Bouazza BARKA, National Director of the Sustainable Valuation Program of KSOUR and KASBAH

  • 12h10-12h30 Discussion and Closing