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UNFCCC Side Event: Achieving measurable climate benefits through innovative infrastructure investments in North America (USGBC)

Osiris Room, COP27

Place: Osiris Room, COP27

Time: 11:30-13:00 EET

Hosted by USGBC, Georgetown Climate Center, and The Climate Registry


North American subnational leaders will describe recent infrastructure projects for water, transportation, and clean energy within their jurisdictions that measurably and transparently contribute to the goals of greenhouse gas mitigation, climate resilience, and equity for a net-zero future.


  • Eric Holcomb - Gov. of Indiana
  • Bradley B. Chambers, Commerce Secretary (IN)
  • Sam Liccardo Liccardo - Mayor, San Jose (CA)
  • Errick D. Simmons, Mayor Greenville (MS)
  • David Fraser-Hidalgo - State Delegate (MD)
  • Leah Laramee- Hawai'i Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Coordinator (HI)
  • Pam O’Connor - Commissioner, LA County (CA)