About the GlobalABC Subnationals Action Group
Buildings construction, operation and maintenance is a high emitting sector. In 2022, it accounted for around 37% of energy and process-related CO2 emissions and over 34% of energy demand globally. Considering that half of the buildings standing in 2050 have not yet been built, the sector requires urgent action, and has huge potential for decarbonization and enhancing resilience.
With 55% of the global population living in urban areas, expected to rise to 68 % by 2050, subnational actors, in particular local and regional governments, are at the forefront of climate response efforts in their territories. Nearly 70% of climate-significant public investment is undertaken by subnational governments, according to OECD (2022). Yet, considering the vast demand for additional investment, a more coherent approach is needed to identify private and public sector finance, and improve national policy frameworks to support local investment opportunities.
It is therefore imperative to work with strong local and national partnerships, as effective and well-integrated multilevel governance and coordination across all levels of government can enable efficient implementation of climate action. This crucial support will help local and subnational stakeholders in the transition towards a decarbonized and resilient buildings and construction sector.
The catalytic Local Government Roundtable that took place at the Buildings and Climate Global Forum in Paris in March 2024, brought together local and subnational government leaders who highlighted the need to engage subnational governments and stakeholders in the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) process and implementation plans. Their inclusion in national roadmaps towards zero-carbon and resilient buildings can lead to fast, significant impacts in this critical sector.
The Subnationals Action Group of the GlobalABC was established in June 2024 to address these issues. Its main focus is to accelerate local solutions for a just and inclusive transition towards a decarbonized and resilient buildings and construction sector, by facilitating multilevel stakeholder dialogues around the globe, enabling sustainable socio-economic development and mobilizing access to finance.
Subnationals Action Group co-leads and members
- UN-Habitat (Lea Ranalder)
- UNEP (Gulnara Roll)
- GIZ (Carmen Vogt)
- ICLEI (Maryke van Standen)
- Members
The Subnational Action Group includes 16 significant global organisations, including national governments, city networks, NGOs, research institutions and sector associations:
- American Institute of Architects (AIA)
- Association Climate Change
- C40
- Climate Group
- Climate Policy Initiative
- Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy (GCoM)
- ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability
- OECD Programme on Decarbonising Buildings in Cities and Regions
- BMWK (GIZ on behalf)
- Reall
- UN-Habitat
- University of Maryland
- Urban Transitions Mission (UTM)
- World Resource Institute (WRI)
The Action Group aims to support subnational stakeholders and promote multilevel governance by developing following activities:
- Provide policy advice, peer exchange and capacity building to subnational governments and other key stakeholders;
- Capture and evaluate experiences and good/best practices at subnational level, also on multilevel governance and action;
- Leverage existing international – global and regional – processes and initiatives that address buildings and construction at subnational level;
- Increase engagement with the finance sector for the subnational level, including activities that bring local and regional governments together with investors and finance institutions.
- Facilitate internal dialogue and knowledge exchange among GlobalABC Members, hubs, action groups and processes;
- Create and communicate evidence on the important role of subnational stakeholders and multilevel governance.
2024-2025 Priorities
- Launch of the GlobalABC Report on local climate solutions and multilevel governance to support decarbonization and resilience of the building and construction sector at the Climate COP29 in Baku and presented at World Urban Forum 12 (WUF12) in Cairo.
- Develop core messages and recommendations highlighting the important role of subnational stakeholders and of multilevel governance and contribution to GlobalABC flagship reports and the Buildings Breakthrough Priority Actions.
- Map relevant actors, initiatives and processes in the buildings and construction and the subnational climate action nexus to identify synergies, collaboration and support opportunities for the Action Group.
Contact & how to join
If you are interested in joining the Subnationals Action Group, please reach out to [email protected].