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Lebanese Association for Saving Energy and for Environment
Lebanese Association for Saving Energy and for Environment
Address: N/A
Region of Activities: Lebanon


The Lebanese Association for Energy Saving and for Environment (ALMEE) is involved in a wide range of activities related to sustainable practices and other “green” issues. ALMEE is “a non-political & non-profit association” committed to better handling of multiple issues and technologies associated with Energy and Environment, not just in Lebanon but also across the Mediterranean Basin and worldwide. Specifically, ALMEE’s overriding goal is to develop, increase and promote scientific methods and means contributing to better management of energy and related economic policies, including renewable energy sources, technical issues and techniques designed to improve energy efficiency. For 3 decades, ALMEE has pursued a philosophy of sustainable and harmonious development for Lebanon and the region, gaining a wealth of experience from cooperation with some of the world’s leading organizations. In short, ALMEE has worked with local, regional and international partners – from governments and multilateral institutions of civil society and the private sector – to buttress calls for more sustainable policies and practices related to energy and environment. ALMEE’s main goal is building awareness and support for better management – and to keep the business community apprised of the tremendous growth potential exhibited by this new and exciting sector. ALMEE developed also A New Regional Green Building Rating System for the South-Med region "Green Recovery And Sustainable Solutions”, GRASSMED. 


  1.  MEETMED PHASE II: Mitigation ENABLING Energy Transition in the MEDITERRANEAN REGION project. This action has been developed and designed as part of the prospected Program “Energy Security and Climate Action” in the Mediterranean Region, that is financed by the European Commission starting in 2018 (see next page for more details on MEETMED 1).[Text Wrapping Break]The main goal of MEETMED project is to foster Energy Transition at country level throughout all Southern Eastern Mediterranean countries (SEM) under the European Neighborhood Instrument (ENI). This goal will be achieved through a multipurpose approach that will contribute to security of energy supply, climate change mitigation, sustainable and inclusive growth, while at the same time creating jobs and reducing migration flows. One of the main outputs of this project developed by ALMEE, is the development of GREEN BOOCC GRASSMED, a regional platform for Training and Provisional Certification of Sustainable Buildings in the South-Mediterranean area. It is a building certification system for Lebanon and the Mediterranean region adapted to the uses of the southern shore countries. The tool is being adjusted to other Mediterranean countries. It serves both as a regional platform for training stakeholders concerned with energy efficiency and as a performance standard for new and existing buildings in the residential and commercial sectors. It aims to support the efforts of Mediterranean actors concerned with the reduction of environmental impacts generated by the building industry through the promotion of exchanges and the use of shared tools for training and certification.
  2. Development of Regulatory and Fiscal Instruments for green buildings. The contract was granted from Lebanese Council for Green Buildings. The project ended in September 2022. The General objective of the study was to propose Strategic roadmap and fiscal and/or regulatory recommendations to incentivize green building certification in Lebanon and to contribute to climate change mitigation and to local circular economy in Lebanon, thorough low-carbon and energy resource-efficient solutions and processes in buildings. The specific objective was to support the application and promotion of environmental performance, renewable energy (RE) and energy efficient (EE) technologies that are economically sustainable and innovative in Lebanon with a focus on buildings that is one of the main priorities of the country where the deficit due to fossil fuel purchasing is one of the main causes of the deficit at the base of the current financial and social crisis in the country. Another output was to assess the effectiveness of the current regulatory and fiscal environment to motivate green building certification for existing and new building stocks (ARZ, GRASSmed, or any type), and provide recommendations for enhancing this regulatory and/or fiscal framework.
  3. EU project CLEANERTEC: “Toward clean Energy technologies and innovative environmental solutions in Lebanon”. COSV is a voluntary organization operating in Lebanon since 2006 mainly in the sector of solid Waste Management. Through the funds of the EUROPEAN UNION, and thanks to a close collaboration with OMSAR and Baalbek Municipality, COSV, and in collaboration with ALMEE as a partner, aims to enhance the use of green and renewable energies in Lebanon, through the implementation of pilot and demonstrative projects, developing policies, legislative and regulatory frameworks, building the capacities of key actors at the public administrative level and raising awareness of the local population. The overall objective of the current action titled is to promote clean, environmentally friendly energy technologies, and facilitate cooperation on technology aspects, disseminating to the relevant stakeholders in Lebanon.
  4. EU (INCO) project: SOLAR BUILD Integration of Solar Technologies into Buildings in Mediterranean Communities. SOLAR-BUILD will contribute significantly to uptake of solar technologies to meet cooling, electricity & heat needs in buildings in Mediterranean communities, via new links & information exchange between relevant professional fields & via transfer & adaptation of experience from EU to Mediterranean countries. Partners are leading networks of sustainable energy professionals & architects within the region. Partners will engage with extensive market actors & stakeholders including: architects, building engineers, solar technology manufacturers / retailers etc, local authorities / municipalities, central government.
  5. EU (SMAP program) MED-ENEC: Promoting Energy Efficiency in the Construction Sector project is addressed to the MEDA countries Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestinian Territories, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey.
  6. French GEF framework project PEEC: Energy Efficiency in building in Lebanon. This bilateral project goes under the French GEF framework and was financed (1 million euro) by the FFEM (fonds Francais pour l’Environment Mondial). The objective of the project was to demonstrate the technical and economic feasibility of energy improvements in apartment buildings. Through the results of this demonstration, through awareness rising among Lebanese leaders and through capacity building, the project launched a policy for energy efficiency in housing.