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[SAVE THE DATE] 2022 GlobalABC Annual Assembly

We are delighted to announce that our Annual Assembly will take place on the 7th, 8th & 9th of March in Nice, France in a hybrid format!

The Assembly, hosted by the French Ministry of Ecological Transition, in collaboration with ADEME, is an official event of the French Presidency of the European Union. The Assembly will open at 13:15 CET on Monday, 7 March, and will close at 15:30 CET on Wednesday, 9 March. It will coincide with the EU Ministerial Conference on Housing and Construction. We are delighted to welcome the Minister Delegate for Housing of the French Ministry of Ecological Transition, Her Excellency Emmanuelle Wargon, for the closing of Day I.

In addition to the core sessions, where GlobalABC members will approve the budget and work plan and elect the new Steering Committee, the Assembly will include sessions dedicated to the five Work Areas. Thematic workshops on building materials, clean heating, social change for building decarbonization and adaptation and resilience will also be organized, as well as a roundtable on "Towards adaptation of the building sector in the Mediterranean region: how to move forward". On 9 March, we will welcome policymakers, CEOs, and other representatives of organizations for a high-level segment on "Engaging countries towards low carbon and resilient buildings: Stepping up the global transformation".

The Annual Assembly gathers all the GlobalABC members and is the primary organ of the organization. As such, the Annual Assembly is a key moment for the GlobalABC community. In addition to approving and providing updates on the Work Areas and work plan and electing the new Steering Committee and its co-chairs, the Assembly defines the strategic vision of the GlobalABC, monitors progress, and approves any modifications to the present framework on a consensus basis.

After the historic engagement and visibility for the built environment at COP26, not only will the 2022 Assembly be an opportunity to reflect on our achievements over the past year, but will also strengthen the radical collaboration needed among the GlobalABC community to accentuate and accelerate the growing momentum towards decarbonizing the buildings and construction sector.

We look forward to seeing our members and partners after 2 years of virtual interaction

Monday, 7 March

13:00-13:45 Welcome & Opening: 

  • Mechthild Wörsdörfer, Deputy Director General, DG ENERGY, European Commission
  • Majida El Ouardirhi, Secretary General of Housing and City Policy Department, Ministry for National Territory Planning, Land Planning, Housing and City Policy, Kingdom of Morocco
  • Martina Otto, Head of the GlobalABC Secretariat

14:00-16:00 CORE I: Work Areas (World Cafe style)

16:15-17:45Towards Adaptation of the building sector in the Mediterranean region: how to move forward' Roundtable

17:45-18:00 Closing

  • HE Emmanuelle Wargon, Minister-Delegate for Housing, Ministry of Ecological Transition, French Republic

18:00-19:00 Informal work area exchange (in-person)

Tuesday, 8 March

08:45-09:00 Opening of Day II


09:00-11:45 Content workshops I

12:00-13:00 Networking lunch

13:00-15:15 CORE II: Assembly session 1 

  • Solution stories I
  • 5-year review & success framework
  • Roadmaps hub
  • Steering Committee election: process and candidates

15:30-18:00 Content workshops II

20:00-22:00 Dinner

Wednesday, 9 March

9:30-11:30 High-Level segment 'Engaging countries towards low carbon and resilient buildings: Stepping up the global transformation'

  • HE Fatima-Zahra Mansouri, Minister of National Territorial Planning, Urban Planning, Housing and City Policy, Kingdom of Morocco
  • François Adam, Director for habitat, urbanism and landscape, Ministry of Ecological Transition, French Republic
  • Sigmund Lubanski, Director, Danish Agency for Housing and Planning, on behalf of the Ministry of the Interior and Housing, Denmark
  • Diane Holdorf, Executive Vice President, World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
  • Mahmoud Mohieldin, High-Level Climate Champion of Egypt
  • Ibrahim N. Al-Zu’bi, Chair of SDG 13 (Climate Change), Global Councils on SDGs, Chief Sustainability Officer Majid Al Futtaim Holding 
  • Ms. Manelle Ait-Sahlia, Deputy Head, Energy Department, French Development Agency
  • HE Yasmine Fouad, Minister of Environment of the Arab Republic of Egypt (TBC)

12:00-13:00 Networking lunch

13:00-15:00 CORE III: Assembly session 2 

  • Solution stories II & III
  • Work plan & budget
  • Increasing countries engagement
  • Building Passport: Pilot project in Morocco
  • Steering Committee election results

15:00-15:30 Close

