JREEEF aims to achieve the following objectives to advance the transition to zero-emissions, efficient and resilient buildings and construction sector:
1. Contribute to the achievements of comprehensive energy strategy in Jordan represented by increasing contribution of renewable energy sources by 20% of the total energy mix of the Kingdom in 2020.
2. Activate methods and procedures of energy efficiency and energy conservation in various sectors.
3. Upsurge investment and business in renewable energy and energy efficiency especially foreign investments and contributions.
4. Create new employment opportunities and long-lasting green investments.
5. Communicate with donors to attract necessary funding for programs and projects related to Fund and ensure the sustainability of its financial flow.
6. Draft necessary contracts and agreements with various relevant authorities.
7. Issue technical periodic reports on the work and projects of the Fund.
8. Design programs related to financing renewable energy and energy efficiency projects.
9. Conduct necessary financial evaluation of the applications submitted to the Fund for the purpose of financing.
10. Design financial and technical support programs for different projects.
11. Design the mechanisms required to implement financial support through financial intermediaries.
12. Develop rules, instructions and financing mechanisms for the various windows of financial support.
13. Conduct market research in accordance with accurate financial and standardized procedures.
14. Follow-up and audit grants on regular basis after disbursement to guarantee achievement.
15. Implement awareness campaigns by the local community which aims at energy conservation in order to reduce the oil bill of the government, and improve the economic level of the citizen.
16. Prepare workshops and conferences to improve the performance of individuals working in the fields of renewable energy and energy efficiency.
17. Conduct necessary technical, financial and market studies required for the sector of renewable energy and energy efficiency periodically.
18. Establish funding foundations based on proposed projects and review them from time to time, after studying the supply and demand trends in the renewable energy sector.
19. Adopting technical specifications in renewable energy projects in cooperation with the concerning sectors.
The Jordan Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Fund was established in response to the needs of the Kingdom to invest in various sources of renewable energy and widen benefit in various sectors, such as residential, educational (schools), health (hospitals) as well as private, public, industrial and service sectors. The Fund committed to contribute to the following GlobalABC Working Groups: Market Transformation; Finance; and Building measurement, data and information.