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Environmental Impact Assessment Guide to: Climate Change Resilience & Adaptation
Environmental Impact Assessment Climate Change Resilience

This guide provides a framework for the effective consideration of climate change resilience and adaptation in the EIA process, through a 7-step approach. Steps 2 to 5 of this approach, deal with CVRA:

  • Step 2 – Defining the future (climate) baseline
  • Step 3 – Identifying and determining sensitivity of receptors
  • Step 4 – Reviewing and determining magnitude of the effect
  • Step 5 – Determination of significance

Alternatively, the guidance informs that if done before the EIA, building climate resilience can be integrated into the project by carrying out a “ex -ante” Climate Change is Assessment. The guide includes a Climate change risk assessment methodology (Steps): 

  • Identifying potential climate change risks to a scheme or project;
  • Assessing these risks (potentially prioritising to identify the most severe); 
  • Formulating mitigation actions to reduce the impact of the identified risks.

Illustration image
Climate proofing of infrastructure

Technical guidance outlining “climate proofing” process for infrastructure, based on 2 pillars (mitigation, adaptation) and 2 phases (screening, detailed analysis). 

The approach for climate proofing of infrastructure, for adaptation purposes, is built around two phases: 
Phase 1: Screening
a. Sensitivity
b. Exposure
c. Vulnerability
Phase 2: Detailed analysis
d. Likelihood
e. Impact
f. Risks

About the GlobalABC Adaptation Hub

The GlobalABC Adaptation Hub stands as a pivotal initiative dedicated to rallying stakeholders from both the public and private sectors across the buildings and construction value chain. With a primary focus on bolstering resilience and adaptation strategies, this collaborative endeavour seeks to unify expertise and resources to tackle the existing and increasingly urgent challenge posed by climate change-driven hazard events.

Adaptation Working Group Members

Technical secretariat:


Rouleau T, Stuart J, Call M, Yozell S, Yoshioka N, Maekawa M and Fiertz N (2022) The climate and ocean risk vulnerability index: Measuring coastal city resilience to inform action. Front. Sustain. Cities 4:884212. doi: 10.3389/frsc.2022.884212
The climate and ocean risk vulnerability index (CORVI): Measuring coastal city resilience to inform action

The tool uses the SEJ methodology to display risk scores across 10 risk categories Structured expert judgement (SEJ) is a technique used to quantify risk in data sparse environments. Through structured interviews and surveys, as well as a series of weighting procedures to ensure data is representative, the SEJ methodology allows researchers to quantify topics that might otherwise be impossible to study in a systematic fashion.

RHEAT(™) has been developed by Build Change to help countries, states, territories, and cities to identify key gaps and challenges as they work toward achieving resilient housing at scale.
Resilient Housing Ecosystem Assessment Tool (RHEAT)

The tool supports users to obtain a snapshot of the current housing environment, by assessing conditions at a given point in time. It can be a useful monitoring tool to guide understanding on priorities and resource allocation, and in doing so can help to maximize the chance of a program’s success.

The Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis (CVCA) is a CARE tool used to gather and analyze information on community-level vulnerabilities to and capacities for climate change.
The Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis ( CVCA)

The Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis (CVCA) is a tool used to gather and analyze information on community-level vulnerabilities to and capacities for climate change. It informs the identification of actions, at the community level or more broadly, that support communities in increasing their resilience to climate change. With A 7-step process using different methodologies of information collection: secondary research, key informant interviews and participatory tools that capture local perspectives and traditional knowledge. » Detailing a set of guiding questions to analyze the data collected. » Paying particular attention to three major cross-cutting issues - Gender Equality, Ecosystems and Inclusive Governance - that help define specific options for increasing climate resilience

Urban Resilience Assessment Using Hybrid MCDM Model Based on DEMATEL-ANP Method (DANP) - IAU-Science and Research Branch
Urban Resilience Assessment: Using Hybrid MCDM Model Based on DEMATEL-ANP Method (DANP)

In the present study, the DEMATEL combination with ANP approaches was used to determine the interdependent relationships among the criteria and their importance. Azizi et al. (2014) stated that ANP cannot assign the strengths and internal relationships between the criteria and does not pay attention to this issue, which could cause the model results to deviate from the real situation. To overcome this shortcoming, DEMATEL was applied along with ANP. Wang et al. (2018) stated that the DEMATEL based ANP method can correct the deficiency of the ANP method and reflect the interdependent feedback relationships between the factors, which could ensure that the results are scientific and reasonable.

Using the MSCI Real Estate Climate Value-at-Risk (Climate VaR) model we demonstrate how the nature and magnitude of physical risks may differ across assets and portfolios; and highlight the importance of considering transition risk.
MSCI Real Estate Climate Value-at-Risk (Climate VaR) Methodology

To quantify physical risks and opportunities, MSCI applies a process used in most hazard models in the insurance industry, which can be represented as follows: Expected cost = vulnerability * hazard * exposure.

The physical risk impact on an asset is quantified by assessing the exposure of a property to a hazard and computing the costs associated with that risk using vulnerability functions specific to the real estate market.

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