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Climate proofing of infrastructure

Creator: European Commission (2021)
Type of methodology: Check-list
Approach type: CVRA (Climate Vulnerability and Risk Assessment)
Short description: Process-based methodology based on 2 phases: Phase 1. Screening Phase 2. Detailed analysis
URL to access information about the tool:
Hazards covered: Coastal floodings
Audiences: Architects and engineers
Assessment level: Infrastructure (incl. buildings)
Evaluation system:

Sensitivity x Exposure = Vulnerability 
Likelihood x Impact = Risks
+ Adaptation measures


Clear, detailed methodology for use in practice


- Not specific to buildings
- Vulnerability definition does not factor in building inhabitants or the use of different buildings

Technical guidance outlining “climate proofing” process for infrastructure, based on 2 pillars (mitigation, adaptation) and 2 phases (screening, detailed analysis). 

The approach for climate proofing of infrastructure, for adaptation purposes, is built around two phases: 
Phase 1: Screening
a. Sensitivity
b. Exposure
c. Vulnerability
Phase 2: Detailed analysis
d. Likelihood
e. Impact
f. Risks