The governance of the GlobalABC is set by its governance framework initially voted during the first Annual Assembly in 2018 and updated in 2022 with new articles about GlobalABC ambassadors.
- Steering Committee & co-chairs
Our Steering Committee provides general direction, guides the GlobalABC Secretariat, proposes the GlobalABC Work Plan and budget to the Assembly, and oversees its implementation, ensures GlobalABC accomplishes its mission and is sustainable, and monitors activities of Work Areas. The GlobalABC Steering Committee’s primary responsibilities fall into five main areas: (1) strategic direction & leadership, (2) governance oversight, (3) communication, (4) resource allocation and mobilisation, and (5) performance assessment.
The Steering Committee also deals with new membership applications, assessing/introducing new initiatives. It consists of 15 members, representing Work Areas and Member constituencies. In accordance, its seats are filled in two steps.
Representation of the Work Areas: 5 seats are filled by one Work Area co-chair per Work Area. Representation of member constituencies: 9 seats are filled by Assembly vote, according to the following quota: 5 countries, 1 sub-national government, 1 private sector representative, 1 civil society representative, and 1 intergovernmental organization. In case of underrepresentation of a constituency, an exceptional and non-permanent 16th seat can be opened. It would be valid only until the next election. The seat is subject to GlobalABC Assembly approval.
The Assembly elects 2 Steering Committee co-chairs on an annual basis. At least one of the co-chairs shall be a country. Co-chairs chair Steering Committee debates and represents the GlobalABC overall.
Read more in our governance framework.
- Our current Steering Committee
French Republic - Ministry of Ecological Transition (MTES)
Represented by Yves-Laurent Sapoval, Advisor, Directorate-General of Housing, Urban Planning and Landscapes, MTES, France
World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), Switzerland
Represented by Roland Hunziker, Director, Built Environment, WBCSD
National governments:
Canada - Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)
Represented by Jérôme Bilodeau, Director, Buildings & Industry Division, Office of Energy Efficiency, Government of Canada
French Republic - Ministry of Ecological Transition (MTES) - co-chair
Represented by Yves-Laurent Sapoval, Advisor, Directorate-General of Housing, Urban Planning and Landscapes, MTES, France
Kingdom of Morocco - Ministry of National Territory Planning, Land Planning, Housing, and City Policy (MATNUHPV)
Represented by Majida El Ouardirhi, Secretary-General, Department for Housing and City Policy, MATNUHPV, Morocco
Swiss Confederation - Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
Represented by André Daniel Mueller, Programme Officer, SDC, Switzerland
United Arab Emirates (UAE) - Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure
Represented by Naseibah Almarzooqi, Director, Department of Studies, Research & Development, Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure, UAE
Intergovernmental organizations:
Work Areas:
Work Area 1 - Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, Republic of Senegal
Represented by Ernest Dione, Consultant on sustainable construction, materials and energy efficiency in buildings, Directorate of Environment and Classified Establishments, Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, Senegal
Work Area 2 - Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), Federal Republic of Germany
Represented by Adriana Salazar Ruiz, Advisor, Powering Climate Protection, BMWK, Germany
Work Area 3 - World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) - co-chair
Represented by Roland Hunziker, Director, Built Environment, WBCSD
Work Area 4 - Programme for Energy Efficiency in Buildings (PEEB)/Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Represented by Anna Zinecker, Advisor, PEEB, Division Climate Change, Environment, Infrastructure, GIZ
Private sector enterprises and related networks:
Local governments and related networks:
ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability
Represented by Andreas Jäger, Senior Officer, Built Infrastructure & Sustainable Energy, ICLEI European Secretariat
Civil society, think tanks, and related networks:
University of Cape Town
Represented by Tom Sanya, Senior Lecturer, School of Architecture, University of Cape Town
World Green Building Council (WorldGBC)
Represented by Audrey Nugent, Director, Global Advocacy, WorldGBC
United Nations Environment Programme as GlobalABC Secretariat host. Paris, France.
- Annual Assembly
Our Annual Assembly gathers all the GlobalABC members and is as such the primary organ of the GlobalABC; it defines strategic vision, monitors progress and approves and provides updates on Work Areas and Work Plan. It hears and elects the Steering Committee and the Steering Committee co-chairs which will then also act as co-chairs of the Assembly and adopt new statements; it approves any modifications to the present framework on consensus basis.
- 2023 Annual Assembly: 1-2 June 2023 | Helsinki, Finland & online
- 2022 Annual Assembly: 7-9 March 2022 | Nice, France & online
- 2021 Annual Assembly: 24-25 March 2021 | Online
- 2020 Annual Assembly: 26-27 March 2020 | Online
- 2019 Annual Assembly: 20-21 February 2019 | Ottawa, Canada
- 2018 Annual Assembly: 19-20 February 2018 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- Annual Reports
Our annual narrative reports provide an overview over our activities during the past year. Read our 2022 annual report.
Discover our previous annual reports: