This volume on the building and construction sector provides an overview of the different sources of GHG emissions from the building and construction sector, as well as methodologies for quantifying these emissions to feed into the preparation and reporting of national GHG inventories. By better understanding the sources of emissions over the whole life cycle of buildings, it thus provides guidance on the most appropriate and effective mitigation strategies and policies for decarbonizing the building and construction sector based on national circumstances. We are optimistic that the guidance contained in this volume will be of some help to developing country Parties to make informed choices when setting building and construction sector emission reduction targets; implementing climate change mitigation actions and reporting on them in their national communications,biennial update reports and in future, biennial transparency reports.
Compendium on GHG Emissions Baselines & Monitoring: Buildings sector Versions
Region of Activities: Global
Type: Report
New buildings
, Existing buildings
, Building operations
, Appliances and Systems
, Materials
, Clean Energy
Origin: UNFCCC secretariat